Yokai Photoshoot (1/3) (2025)
Yokai Photoshoot (2/3) (2025)
Yokai Photoshoot (3/3) (2025)
Editorial Illustration for SEVENTEEN Article "Is My Period Normal?" (2025)
Children's Editorial Illustration "Family Dinner" (2025)
Editorial Illustration for Vogue "What Is Love-Bombing?" (2025)
The Little Mermaid Book Illustration (2025)
"Alice" (2025)
"Little Buds" (2024)
"Miss Green Loves Polka-Dots" (2024)
"I am My Own Muse"- Tom Ford Poster Illustration (2024)
"Mid-Summer Wonder" (2024)
"Strike Attitude" (2024)
"Look At Me" (2024)
"Our 7 best tips to build an exercise habit" Editorial Illustration based off of a Washington Post Article (2024)
"Neo-Shinsengumi" Character Design (2025)